Joining the NASC has never been more important.
The NASC believes so strongly in the value of relationships that it welcomes all interested parties into its family of Partners. This obviously includes our important Affiliate Partners. As discussed, Affiliate Partners are those individual professionals and businesses that do not actually offer IT products and services, but instead, directly serve those that do.
The NASC recognizes that Affiliate Partners have the talents and resources to provide ancillary support to NASC Members. This is why they are afforded the status of NASC Partner. Members can take great comfort in knowing that Affiliates, like all Members: (1) Uphold the lofty standards of the NASC Code of Ethics; (2) Fully describe their businesses in detail; and (3) Agree to act in the best interests of everyone.
Finding a business ally in whom you can trust and be confident has never been easier. Joining the NASC has never been more important. Join the NASC!